

Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling

Atmospheric dispersion modeling in support of radiological and non-radiological assessment. AERMOD/CALPUFF PSD analysis, CAP88, GENII, RASCAL radiological assessment, or custom application.

Ground and Surface Water Transport Modeling

Ground and surface water assessment of contaminant transport using industry-standard codes or custom models including GoldSim® applications.

Dose and Risk Assessment Modeling

Radiological and non-radiological dose and risk assessment using industry standard codes (such as RESRAD) or custom applications developed using standard programing languages, relational databases, or GoldSim® applications.

Meteorological Monitoring

Siting and installation of meteorological monitoring equipment. Acquire, process, and interpret meteorological data for atmospheric dispersion modeling. Evaluate air monitoring networks for detection frequency.

Performance Assessment Modeling

Complete low-level waste performance modeling including waste release modeling, unsaturated and saturated zone modeling, food chain modeling, and dose assessment.

Miscellaneous Services

Data processing and interpretation, and general consulting for environmental risk assessment.

Computer Code Products

Mr. Rood developed the numerical models GWSCREEN (Rood, 1994), Mixing cell Model (Rood, 2004), and Response Surface Model (Rood and Jacobs, 2008, Rood,2012) that are the basis for low-level radioactive waste modeling at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). These models have found the application outside the INL at the US Ecology LLW site, Richland Washington, and the Massachusetts Military Reserve. Mr. Rood can develop custom applications of these codes to a particular site or apply them off the shelf. The codes are available at no cost in the downloads section of the website.