


GWSCREEN is a semi-analytical groundwater screening tool that performs transport calculations from a surface or buried contaminant source to the underlying aquifer. The modeled processes include source leaching, 1-D unsaturated transport, and 3-D aquifer transport, and dose and risk calculations. Chain decay and 1st order chemical degradation and solubility limits are included. Output includes concentrations in the aquifer, fluxes to the aquifer from the unsaturated zone, and radiological dose and risk or carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient from chemicals. The zip file contains the GWSCREEN Windows executable, sample problems, and user documentation. All items are unpacked to the gwscreen folder. Note: The zip file needs to be unpacked in the Windows environment; will not unpack with Mac OS X


MCM (Mixing Cell Model) is a 1-D unsaturated flow and transport model. The model uses a 1st order approximation to the flow and transport equations that are solved through a Runge-Kutta routine for ordinary differential equations. Processes include transient water and solute input fluxes, chain decay, chemical degradation, and solubility controls. The zip file contains the MCMF (flow module) and MCMT (transport module) Windows executable, sample problems, and user documentation. All items are unpacked to the mcm folder Note: The zip file needs to be unpacked in the Windows environment; will not unpack with Mac OS X