
Uravan Uranium Mill Dose Reconstruction


Develop a CALPUFF atmospheric dispersion model application of the former Uravan uranium mill in western Colorado. Install meteorological monitoring equipment in canyon and mesa locations to delineate wind flow, and use in conjunction with other data in a CALMET simulation of the domain. Integrate atmospheric transport modeling into an overall comprehensive model to evaluate exposure and radiological dose with uncertainty to Uravan residents from stacks and tailings pile releases over a 49-year period.


Risk Assessment Corporation for Dow Chemical Inc.


Rood, A.S., P.G. Voillequé, S.K. Rope, H.A. Grogan, and J.E. Till, 2008. “Reconstruction of Atmospheric Concentrations and Deposition of Uranium and Decay Products Released from the Former Uranium Mill at Uravan Colorado USA.” Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 99: 1258–1278.

  • Modeled airborne plume of uranium from the former Uravan uranium mill (Redrawn from Rood et al., 2008).

  • Meteorological station at Uravan.